About ASUE brand
ASUE slogan is “Specialization, experience, opportunity”. Armenian State University of Economics gives importance to narrow specialization and provides appropriate experience for its student in the area of higher education. These three colums underline the chain of the University’s activity: to give students narrow specialized knowledge, to fix theoretical knowledge with experience and an opportunity to enter a field of activity, to self confirm in labor market and to find a stable place.
Three columns of ASUE logo “Specialization, experience, opportunity” express the University’s main directions in educational system of the Republic of Armenia.
ASUE flag presents the date of the University’s foundation, the logo. It was placed on the forehead of the main building of ASUE on November 25, 2011: announcing the continuity of the changes, creating the image of the University and giving an information about its adopted principal strategy.
A presentation with a heading “We are changing” took place in ASUE Conference Hall on September 30, 2011, which was the start of the radical reforms. The heading of the ceremony “We are changing” became the motto and guiding of the work activities of reforms’ era.