1C Accounting: second training course at ASUE

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Armenian State University of Economics and ONE Academy jointly organize the "1C Accounting" course for the second time, which is conducted by OneSoft Company, the franchisee and certified training center of 1C.

The course is specially designed for all those who want to learn 1C accounting. The mastery of the most popular accounting program will enable participants to enhance their knowledge and be competitive in the field.

Participants of the course will master the updated version of the "1C Accounting" program, study the operation and interconnection of various subsystems of the program, as well as the processes of formation of cash, inventory, production and storage processes, as well as tax and financial reports.

Course details

  • OneAcademy will support the best participants to pass the 1C certification exam free of charge.
  • The best participants will have an opportunity to work in the field.
  • A joint certificate of ASUE and OneAcademy will be awarded.
  • The course will be conducted by Liana Gasparyan, who has lecturing experience and is a high quality specialist of 1C program.
  • Training course language is Armenian. The course will start on February 14.
  • Training course program is here.
  • Training course fee is 40000 RA drams, ASUE students and employees will get 30 percent discount (28000 drams), graduates will get 10 percent discount (36000 RA drams).
  • Application deadline is February 8.

Application link is here.