Representatives of “Erasmus +” at ASUE

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On November 13, 2015,   at 14:00 representative s of  national office  of  “Erasmus+”  program  will  be  hosted  at  Armenian State  University  of  Economics,  who will  present the  participation opportunities  and  perspectives  of  exchange  programs. The  meeting  will  be  held  in the  University  Conference  Hall. BA  and  MA students  are  able  to  participate.   

On same day,  at 15:15,  the  representative s of  the office  will  meet  the  University  lecturers  and  will  present the  mission of  the  program,  cooperation perspectives.  

For  registration call ASUE  Foreign Relations Division: tel: +010 593 484/384, e-mail:

The  announcement  is  submitted  by  ASUE  Career  and  Marketing Center.