Armenia Model European Union 2014

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“Armenia Model European Union 2014” (hereinafter AMEU2014) is a political simulation conference focusing on the decision-making and legislative procedures in the European Union, a project bringing together more than 140 young Europeans in Yerevan, Armenia.

The main purpose of the conference is to allow its participants to become acquainted with decision-making and law-making in the European Union.
It goes without saying that AMEU2014 amounts to a unique learning process that focuses on the workings and dynamics of EU institutions when producing EU law. AMEU2014 is therefore an educational project that succeeds in giving participants the opportunity to develop their skills in EU law, debating and negotiations at an EU level and to understand the complexities of the EU in practice.
Consequently, AMEU2014 is distinguished by its high educational value, academic excellence and professionalism that render it one of the most successful and prestigious simulations in Armenia.

The suggested topic of the AMEU2014 will be the “EU Common Foreign and Security Policy in Light of the Ukrainian Crisis”.

The AMEU2014 would also be featured by a thematic panel discussion, to which supposedly should take active participation the representatives of the EU Member States embassies to Armenia, the Members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, the representatives of the independent think-tanks and the academicians.  The conference is organized by AEGEE-Yerevan Youth NGO.

The Armenian Scientific Cooperation (ARMSCOOP) is the official information partner of the Conference.

The conference will take place on November 8-9, 2014.
The registration for participation is open till September 26, 2014 (23:59 CET).
Link to application:

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Information is  submitted  by  ASUE  Foreign Relations  Division.