Olympiad at ASUE

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Olympiad  for University students and graduates wishing to apply  for  MA will  be  held  at ASUE (N315 auditorium) on March 16, at 10:00,  organized by the RF National Research University Higher  School of  Economics.  Students are  also able  to  participate.  Those  who haven’t registered  yet,  but  want  to participate,  are  able to  register on the same day, before the Olympiad starts. You  need to present your passport at 9:00: an hour earlier.

More information in Armenian version http://www.asue.am/am/էջեր-220//օլիմպիադա-հպտհ-ում-1429:

For detailed  information visit www.hse.ruwww.hse.ru/sng.