Unique Training

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If you are a student or if you work, if you want to work or you just want to know more than others, then it is FOR YOU.  Only one chance to make the acquaintance of Armenian business reality, to build your future today and by yourself.

Armenian state university of economics and Ayvazyan&Partners organize a specific training: “If You Know:7:1”. 

16 courses, 2 months, meetings twice a week with professional sales trainer Vahe Ayvazyan, certificate with ASUE’s and A&P’s stamps, and all these only for 19.900 AMD a month.

And the most important!

The first of 16 meetings will be for free 

on 19 February, at 14:14 p.m., in grand hall of ASUE. 

* Ayvazyan&Partners conducts only corporate trainings for big companies. This is an exclusive event initiated by ASUE to give the opportunity of training participation not only to companies but also to individuals.

 Visit  also http://apd.am/am/.