Career Day in "ProCredit Bank"

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ASUE  Career and  Marketing  Center  informs  that:

within the framework of      Young Bankers Programme  7  ProCredit  Bank organizes a  Career Day.  You will receive all the answers concerning the program and more detailed information about:

Opportunities provided by the Program,

Recruitment stages,

Career opportunities and prospects in ProCredit Bank.

Date and Time:  28th of  November   2012, at  17:00 (duration is 1 hour)

Address: 105/1 Teryan, Citadel Business center, 6th floor, room 603

For participation, please call 010 546 092, 093 190 930 from 09:00 to 18:00, lunch time 13:00-14:00, and register till 28th of November, 13:00.

Wish you a good start for a prosperous career:

Staff  Recruitment Team.