Short-term Grants from Switzerland

View count: 544

Each year a limited number of short-term grants to Switzerland are available for junior researchers from the South Caucasus. These grants offer scholars (PhD candidates and associate professors) from the region to do the following:

-    work on an ongoing (PhD) project and benefit from the research infrastructure in Switzerland
-    participate in an exchange with Swiss scholars and visit  Swiss academic institutions in order to initiate cooperation
-    exchange information on specific research projects
-    participate in a conference in Switzerland

These grants offer recipients the opportunity to expand their academic network, work in state of the art research facilities and meet scholars in their fields of expertise. The grants are open to researchers from all institutions of higher education in the fields of the humanities and social sciences. Priority is given to PhD candidates, but assistant professors (preferably under 40) may also apply. Applicants must be Georgian or Armenian, residing in Georgia or Armenia. The duration of a grant may be from one month to three months. To participate in a conference, the maximum time allotted is one week. Applications can be submitted any time throughout the year.

For  more  information  you can  visit the  following  web address, where   the  application form, a list of documents to include with your application and contact persons  are  presented.   

Applications must be submitted in English.

ASUE  International  Relations   Division informs  about this.