"Career day" by ProCredit Bank

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In the  framework  of  the  fifth  "Young  Bankers  program"  ProCredit  Bank  organizes  “Career  day”.  You  will  recieve the answers  to  the  questions  you  are  interested  in  and  will get  acquainted  with

-The  opportunities  the  program  gives

-Application procedures

- Levels of Selection

-The  opportunities  and  challenges  of  ProCredit  Bank  Career

Day  and Time: May 7, 2012, at  13:30a.m.( Duration  one  hour).

Place:  Teryan 105/1, the  sixth  floor  of  Citadel  Business  Center,  r. 604.

For  registration  call  010 546 092  at  09:00a.m.-18:00p.m. (break  hour 13:00-14:00a.m.).

Deadline  for  registration  May 7, 2012, at  12:30a.m.

Wish you  good  start  of  career.

ASUE  Career  and  Marketing  Division  informs  about  this.