Program offer

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This fall, the Women in Business: Invest for the Future NGO with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan will be presenting Armenia’s first iBoot Camp! The goals are to empower and inspire participants to create their own economic opportunities, build regional networks of young entrepreneurs, and create new and innovative models for a business that can be started in their communities. 

Details here.

Information, ASUE Career and Marketing Center nd:white; mso-ansi-language:EN-US'> Relations Division the head of ASUE camp lecturer of the chair of Physical training, emergency situations and civil defense Hakob Kyokchyan noted that like every year "Tntesaget" camp worked in four shifts, for about two months.

The head of the camp and his deputy, lecturer of the chair of Physical training, emergency situations and civil defense Arman Ghulyan organized the complete holidays of the campers.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.