Admission of Documents for the Students Implemented Combat Duty or Combat Operations on April 2-6, 2016

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Based on the RA Government decree on December 13, 2018, admission of documents of full-time and part-time Bacahelor’s and Master’s students implemented combat duty or combat operations at the RA Armed Forces on April 2-6, 2016 is announced from February 11 to March 1 within the frames of donation cooperation reached between Youth Foundation of Armenia and the RA Ministry of Education and Science.
Applications are submitted every working day from 10:00 to 17:00 at the office of the Youth Foundation of Armenian (50/5 Abovyan, RA). Break from 13:00 to 14:00. For other questions please contact 010 545802, 010 567922.

The announcement is submitted from the RA MES official website.