Competition to fill in the vacant position of Head of Chair

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The Armenian State University of Economics announces a competition to fill in the following vacancies:

Head of the Chair

  1. Chair of Theory of Economics
  2. Chair of Business Administration

Professionals holding the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences or PhDs, scientific rank of a professor or an associate professor with at least 5 years of work experience in scientific and pedagogical sphere at university can partake in the competition to fill in the vacant position of the Head of the Chair.

Applications for the competition are accepted from February 21, 2024 to March 21, 2024 inclusive, from 9:00 to 17:30.

Applications and documents should be submitted within the specified time period to the Human Resources Division of the university at Yerevan, Nalbandyan str. 128, ASUE central building, 4th floor, office 401.

The competition will be held at the Armenian State University of Economics at Nalbandyan str. 128, central building, 3rd floor, Meeting Hall.