English exam for the students interested in Erasmus+ program

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ASUE International Relations Division organizes English exam for the students interested in Erasmus+ program but do not hold any English knowledge certificates (IELTS, TOEFL, and Cambridge Assessment English). The exam consists of listening, reading and writing sections.

Please note that students in their final year of studies (full-time bachelors in their fourth year of studies, masters in their second year of studies, part-time bachelors in their fourth year of studies and part-time masters in their third year of studies) cannot participate in the exam.

Exam will be held on October 12 and 13, at 14:15, in auditorium 305 of ASUE main building (faculty of management building).

You should register in the following link to participate in the exam till October 10.

Participants should bring their IDs. Only registered students can participate in the exam.

Please note that you can pass the English exam once per semester. For the students that passed their English exam in the previous semester and will also pass the exam this semester, the results of the last exam taken will be taken into account.

In case of further questions, please write to erasmus.asue@gmail.comint.mobility@asue.am.