Launch Event of "Transferring V4 Expertise In Knowledge/Technology Transfer" Project

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The International Relations Division informs that the online launch event of the project "Transferring V4 Expertise In Knowledge/Technology Transfer"  will be held on January 21.

The purpose of the meeting is to present the objectives, stakeholders, timetable, impact and expected results of the project. In addition, the project is aimed at creating a networking platform for researchers and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in order to present the needs, proposals, expectations of each side, as well as to stimulate dialogue between the parties.

Let’s reminded that the goal of the project is to commercialize scientific research and stimulate a culture of cooperation between enterprises and research infrastructures in Armenia and Georgia based on the successful experience of the Visegrad Four countries.

Registration link.

The meeting program and a link to participate in the event will be sent to your email in advance.

The program is co-financed by the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia with grants from the International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the foundation is to promote ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.