Note: Information Meeting on Applying to the Jean Monnet International Program

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Call for proposals of "Erasmus +" program in 2021 has started. From this year's active actions of the competition ASUE can apply to "Jean Monnet" ones, which are aimed at promoting teaching and research in the field of European Union studies. "Jean Monnet" activities can include the introduction of a short-term curriculum in the field of EU studies, the establishment of centers of excellence, the creation of networks, the development of a number of other programs.

In order to present the essence, types, application requirements of "Jean Monnet" activities, and other details, ASUE International Relations Division organizes an information meeting and invites the representatives of ASUE academic staff interested in the program to participate.

The online meeting will be held on April 14, at 14:00.

You need to be registered for participation and you can read the "Jean Monnet" activities in the "Erasmus +" program guide (page 268).