A study opportunity at Hasselt University (Belgium)

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Within the frames of cooperation signed between Armenian State University of Economics and Hasselt University (Belgium) in the framework of Erasmus+ program, ASUE students will have an opportunity to participate in the competition to get a scholarship and in case of winning it, will study one semester at the above-mentioned university.

Students can apply for the program if they:

- study at ASUE, are full-time or part-time students and will not be final semester students at the time of studying on the exchange program,

- when applying for the program, they should study in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd year of full-time bachelor’s degree , 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of part-time bachelor’s degree, 1st year of full-time master’s degree and 1st and 2nd year of part-time master’s degree students,

- Have a high level of English competence (valid certificates of IELTS or TOEFL® iBT, or Cambridge Assessment English, as well as certificates of exams organized at ASUE),

- Have high performance level: minimum GPA of 14.1 in the 20 point system (master’s students can submit their 1st term GPA);

- Demonstrate high level of motivation to spend one term at the partner University of ASUE.

Students interested in the program should fill in the following link till April 28, 23:59.

Applicants will get confirmation of the applications received (on their emails) after the end of the deadline from the international relations division. Applications not duly filled in, or sent after the deadline will not be considered.

In case of questions, please write to int.mobility@asue.am.

Information is provided by ASUE International Relations Division.