
Project Name

“The EU and the EEU: Between Conflict and Competition, Convergence and Cooperation” (EUCON)

Duration of the project

36 months (01.09.2020 – 31.08.2023)

Project Goals

The EUCON (The EU and the EEU: Between Conflict and Competition, Convergence and Cooperation) project is among the winning projects of "Jean Monnet Network" project of "Erasmus+" program in 2020, where Armenia is represented by the Armenian State University of Economics. This information was provided by ASUE International Relations Division. The project coordinator is Vienna University of Applied Sciences (UAS-BFI).

The aim of the project is to explore the full range of EU-EEU relations, which is characterized by conflict and competition, convergence and cooperation (possible).

The project seeks to dig into the full complexity of EU – EEU relations, characterized by conflict and competition, convergence and cooperation, what the status-quo of relations is, areas of conflict, its root causes and consequences, what role the rise of China plays, what areas of convergence exist, as well as the areas of current cooperation and the preconditions to widen cooperation in the future.

For this purpose, we carry out workshops and international summer schools, joint researches, teach seminars applying innovative didactic methods, design interactive learning websites, hold roundtables, and joint social events to present the results of the project and foster a wider awareness to a larger audience beyond the scientific field.

EUCON is the first ‘Jean-Monnet Network’ project at ASUE. Assistant Professors Albert Hayrapetyan and Susanna Aghajanyan from the Chair of International Economic Relations are involved in the project.

Project partners are

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