“Project Management” Master’s Degree Program

Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) and National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) carry out joint Master’s degree program – “Project Management”.

Master’s Degree program is specialized in management of projects, tourism, historical and cultural heritage and geo-information systems. The program is built on interconnectivity, which implies combining economic management and technical, architectural knowledge.

This is an unprecedented example of cooperation between Armenian Universities, as the Universities recognize each other’s academic processes and outcomes -carrying out credits’ accumulation and transfer. Duration of the program is 2 years: the first-year-study is carried out in Armenia at ASUE and NUACA, the second-year-study at Polytechnic University of Valencia, where the defense of the Master's thesis and awarding diplomas are planned. The students will be awarded diplomas both by the Armenian Universities and the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

The program and study have launched on September 11, 2017, with a solemn event held at NUACA.

