Teaching and Training Opportunity Within the Frames of “Erasmus +” (Croatia)

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ASUE Foreign Relations Division announces a competition for the University Faculty and administrative staff for holding one-week-teaching and training at Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia within the  frames of “Erasmus +” program.

The program is  open for only ASUE staff.

Those who are interested in the program should send the below mentioned documents to ASUE Foreign Relations Division via asue.erasmus@gmail.com e-mail. Application deadline is November 27.

  1. Copy of Passport,
  2. Europass CV (in English),
  3. Motivation letter (in English),
  4. Certifying document of English proficiency.
  5. For lecturers - brief description of the suggested course conducting  Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (in English),

In the field of subject of the e-mail You need to mention “Mobility - Juraj Dobrila University of Pula”.

For more information contact Foreign Relations Division via asue.erasmus@gmail.com e-mail.