Invitations to study

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A number of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Poland carry out educational programs for foreign students. For organizational details and fees, please visit the websites of the Universities, in particular:

Wroclaw School of Banking (;
AGH University of Science and Technology (;
Collegium Civitas (;
University of Economics in Katowice (;
Bialystok University of Technology (; :

 Workshop for graduate and undergraduate students.

Summer Academy on politics and international relations in Olympia, Greece, is holding an intensive workshop on July 13-23 designed for graduate and undergraduate students.

Check out the details by visiting the website:

or by calling (+30) 2310 260322 and 2310 260332

 Tuition Proposals from St. Petersburg State University

Saint-Petersburg State University invites to study. Application Deadline is the 15.06.2015 (inclusive).

For more information visit web site.

The announcement of the RA MES website.