Presentation in ASUE

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ASUE  Student Council informs  that  on December  3, 2014, at 13:00 presentation of  the  First  Student Channel, updated  official  website  of  Student Council will  be  held  at Big Hall  of Armenian State  University of  Economics (Nalbandyan 128, the 1st floor),  which  will be  attended  by Minister  of  MES  in the RA  Armen Ashotyan,  other honorable  guests,  lecturers, students. 

In addition to  the  above  mentioned, the  presentation of the  second  stage  of  the project “1 turn to 100”, enriching Wikipedia with  Armenian articles,  will  be  held.

The  initiative  is  carried  out  within the  framework of  the measures  dedicated  to the 20th anniversary  of ASUE  Student Council.