Competition for Fulbright Scholarships

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Deadline for Submission: November 21, 2014.


The Public Affairs Section of the Embassy of the United States of America in Armenia is pleased to announce the annual competition for Fulbright Scholarships in the United States for the 2015‑2016 academic year.

"The Fulbright Program aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs and thereby to increase the chance that nations will learn at least to live in peace and friendship."

J. William Fulbright

The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program awards grants to foreign scholars to conduct post-doctoral research at U.S. universities for an academic year or term.  The Fulbright Program was named after Senator J. William Fulbright from Arkansas, who proposed the program in 1946 "to increase mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and the people of other countries."  All grants are approved by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (12 members), which is appointed by the President of the United States.

Basic Requirements  for  the  scholarship:

Armenian citizenship and residency

Evidence of employment in the Republic of Armenia


Proficiency in English

Completed online application


Good health and physical condition


Political Science, Economics, Social Science

International Relations, Journalism and Law

American Studies (History, Literature, Society & Culture of the United States)

Environmental Studies and Public Health


Application Submission Process:

Interested applicants must complete an online application on the site.   Please register by creating a user name and a password, and proceed with the application as prompted by the application.  Please save your data after completing each page.   After saving a page, you will be able to log off and return to your application later.   Applicants will be able to send online requests for recommendation letters to their recommenders.  Please submit your online application ONLY when the information is complete and the supplementary documents are obtained.  Once you submit your application, you will not have access to it and will not be able to view it.

Only online applications will be considered.

Applications must be completed in English.  Incomplete and late applications will not be considered.  Recipients of a Fulbright scholarship within the past five years will not be considered.  All applications, including references, undergo technical and academic reviews.  Candidates who satisfy all requirements will be interviewed by the Embassy Fulbright Selection Committee.  The Committee will submit the names of the finalists to the Fulbright Board of Foreign Scholarships in the United States for final approval.  Selected grantees will be notified of final approval when their affiliations at U.S. universities are confirmed in June 2015.

For more information on the program, please visit Fulbright Visiting (Non-U.S.) Scholar Program page. 

For questions that have not been covered on the website and this announcement, email the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Embassy at

Frequently Asked Questions:

How strict are the deadlines?  Deadlines are firm.

If I was not successful in previous competitions, can I apply again?  Yes.

What are the selection criteria?  The following factors are considered: professional qualifications, project proposal (quality, feasibility), how the acquired knowledge will be used upon return, English language competence, need for the project to be undertaken in the United States, personal qualifications, quality of references.  Preference will be given to candidates with little or no previous experience in the United States.

What are the basic benefits?  Round trip airfare, monthly stipend, book allowance, and a settling-in allowance.

Can family members accompany?  Yes, but you will be financially responsible for them.        

Do I have to arrange university affiliation in the United States?  It is recommended that you submit a letter of invitation from a U.S. university in your application package.  If you don't know where your project can be accomplished, the affiliation will be arranged by one of the Fulbright administering agencies.

How should I provide the references?  References should be provided online together with the application.  The request for the letter is sent to the recommender through the online system and is received by the program coordinator at the U.S. Embassy.  You will receive a notification when the recommendation letter is submitted.