Information for the 1st year students

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Director  of  ASUE  Library, Armine  Hovhannisyan, informs  that the  1st  year  students can make  use  of  ASUE library by reader's ticket,  which they’ll  get  after their approval.  Meanwhile,  the  1st  year  students can make  use  of  the  Library by  identification documents. The  students  of  the  Department  of  Computer  Science and Statistics  should  make  use  of  the  Department’s Library  fund, which  is  updated along  with  the  total  Library.  Nevertheless, the  students  of  the  Department  of  Computer  Science and Statistics  are  able  to make  use  of  ASUE  Library  situated  in Nalbandyan 128.

Here  is  the  schedule:

On Monday: Department of Management,

On Tuesday: Department of  Finance,

On Wednesday: Department of Accounting  and Audit,

On Thursday: Regulation of Economic and  International Economic  Relations,

On Friday: Department  of  Marketing and Business Management,   and  Department  of Computer Science and Statistics.

Every  day: Master Degree  students  and part-time studies students.

More  information  regarding  ASUE  Library  is  presented  in ASUE  official website: The  University  library  is  also  being digitalized, e-Library  is presented  here: