Round Table-discussion at ASUE

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Tomorrow, on March 5 a round  table-discussion  entitled “Regional  and  Local  Development Problems  in the  RA” will  be hosted  at ASUE Center for International Programs (Nalbandyan 128, N2 building)  within the  framework  of  “Creating a  Platform  for Discussion  on Inclusive Growth in Armenia” program.

ASUE  Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, the  Director  of  Armenian Office  of  Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Zara Alaverdyan  will  make  remarks. The first Deputy Minister of the RAMinistry of Territorial Administration Vache Terteryan  and Academician  of the  RA National Academy of Sciences, the  Head of  the  Chair  of  Management at  ASUE, Professor Yuri  Suvaryan,  as the main speakers, will  report  on the  topic.

The  meeting  will  launch  at 15:30.