Scholarship of FAR for the 1st course students

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Armenian branch of  Fund for Armenian Relief  informs  that  FAR of the  USA  Eastern diocese of  Armenian  Apostolic Church announces  a  competition  within  the framework of  "Matevosyan  education fee"  program  for the  first course students  who  have  entered Yerevan State  University,  Yerevan State  Engineering  University,  Armenian State  University  of Economics, Armenian State  Agrarian  University  and    their  branches, who  are  vulnerable  and  have  high  educational  high  progress. 

For  the  applications  visit

For  more  information call  the  coordinator  of  the  project  Eduard  Karapetyan (060526660).

Information is  taken from the  official website  of FARմաթևոսյան-կրթավճար-ծրագրի-մրցույ/#more-10826/