Turpanjian scholarship program

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The American University of Armenia (AUA) is pleased to announce the Turpanjian Family Foundation Program for the 2013-2014 academic year. These need based scholarship program targets those from socially vulnerable groups. The Turpanjian Family Foundation Program enables its recipients to make long-term contributions to Armenia’s political, social and economic development. The Turpanjian Family Foundation Program will provide a partial tuition award for the normal duration of the degree program until the 2014-2015 academic year as long as good academic standing is maintained. Tuition payments will be made directly to the awardee’s university.

The Turpanjian Family Foundation Scholarship Program is intended for undergraduate students at state or accredited institutions of higher education in Armenia. For the 2013-2014 academic year, Turpanjian Family Foundation Scholarship Program is restricted to students who are residents of Armavir. Only students up to 26 years old are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.

Students wishing to be considered for these scholarship programs must submit an AUA Turpanjian Scholarship Application Form along with all supporting documents by August 09, 2013. A committee consisting of AUA faculty and alumni will review applications. The selection committee reserves the right to investigate/verify eligibility criteria and supporting documents submitted by the applicant. Decisions of the scholarship committee are final and may not be appealed.

For further information contact Registrar’s Office of the American University of Armenia:
Baghramian Ave. 40, Yerevan 0019, Armenia ; phone: 51 27 97.

See more at:  http://aua.am/turpanjian-and-akian-scholarships/#sthash.Hr2GYAXZ.dpuf.

The  official  website  of  the  RA  Ministery  of  Education and  Science informs  about  this (http://edu.am/index.php?id=-6110&topMenu=4&menu1=-1&menu2=4&arch=0).