A contest for Innovative Ideas

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Yerevan State University and “Unisoft Development” Company are happy to announce a call for innovative ideas among CIS countries’ youth. The aim of the project is to support the realization of students’ leading ideas and provide their application in different life spheres.  Successful ideas will deserve financial awards and “Unisoft Development” will assure their final implementation in forms of a particular product or project.

The call is open for CIS students or their groups, engaged in BA, MA and PhD degree programs, who have a particular idea that is unique, innovative, hasn’t been articulated before and will contribute to development of a certain life sphere.

 Applications should be sent to the following address m.yeghyan@ysu.am with “Innovative Idea” in the subject field.  You  can apply  to  ASUE  Interantional  Relations  Division for  filling in the  applications. 

 The deadline for application submission is September 15, 2012.

 We aim to notify those selected within the first stage up to October10, 2012.

 A seminar with the participation of project organizers and chosen applicants will be held on November 9, 10, 2012, in Yerevan, Armenia.For purposes of the seminar applicants will be asked to demonstrate their solutions completely, or partially by way of a presentation.

ASUE  International  Relations  Division informs  about this.