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Armenian State  University  has  recieved  a  report  from the  RA  Ministery of  Science  and  Education, which    says  that    the  World  European Organization  announces  “The  2011-2020  as  a  decade  of  traffic  security  guarantee”.  In the  framework  of this  initiative,  a temporary  Interdepartmental Committee has  been  craeted  with the  order (16.06.2012  N 1163-Ա) of  the  RA  Minister of Health,  ivolving  the  representatives  of  the  RA  Police,  the  RA  Transport and Communication,  Education and  Science,  Ministery of  Health,  the  RA  National  Council of  Traffic  Security  Guarantee,  “National Institute of Health  after  Academician  S. Avdalbekyan”  of the  RA  MH,  “Public Health   Armenian Association”  Public  Organization,  who  have  developed  and  created  posters and distinguishing signs  which  have public meaning.  With the  following report  our  University as well  as  elementary, secondary and higher education programs’  institutions   are  suggested  to   localize and spread  the  informative  papers  with  “To save millions of lives”  heading, in which  the  statistical data of  road accidents,  forecasts,  prevention measures   are set in.

“The  Decade  plan  of  traffic  security  guarantee  has  been  created  to  direct  the effords  in the  national and local  levels.  If  the  Global  Plan works  out,  the  Decade  will  reach its  goal, which is  to  make  the  number  of  forecast  of road accident deaths stable  and  to  reduce  it   in the  future.

If we are able to reach this  ambitious target,  in the total,  5 million lives  will  be  saved,  50 million serious injuries will be  prevented  and  50  trilion US  dollar will be  save  during the  Decade:  it’s  said  in the  informative  paper.

We inform  that  you can  get  acquainted  with the  content of the  papers  in details  from the  installed-windows  in the University.