Virtual Migration Library has been created

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The virtual library on migration processes has been created by the initiative of the State Migration Service of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development of the Republic of Armenia. The website address is . The library provides a comprehensive overview of the field.

The "Publications" section contains over 500 articles related to migration-related topics, such as Research, Scientific Articles, Migration Theory, Manuals, Migration Profiles, Newsletter, Reports.

The "Legislation" section provides legal documents regulating the sector, which are classified by the bodies adopted, as well as multilateral and bilateral agreements for migration regulation.

The "Statistic" section provides relevant statistical reports in the subsections "Border Crossing", "Asylum Seekers and Refugees", "Readmission", "Remittances" and "Residents".  Additionally, this section also has a "Statistical Tools" subsection that allows you to find the statistical information sought by using different filters and form comparative tables.

Information placed in the library can be of  interest for ASUE chairs and professorial staff, as well as for students.

Information from the State Migration Service of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development.