International Competitions

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The RA MES official website submitted  an information on international  competitions. We  present them below:

Educational Proposals (Sweden)

Armenia has been included in the Swedish Visby scholarship program since 2016.

Through this program, citizens of Armenia will receive scholarships for postgraduate and post-doctoral education in Swedish Universities, as well as  a researcher to be involved  in.

More information  is available in the  mentioned  link:

International course  on “Education for Technology and the use of ICT Education”

International course on “Education for Technology and the use of ICT Education”  will be  held  from January 15, 2017 to February 3 in Israel.

More information in the mentioned  link:

International course on“Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)”

International course on “Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)”  will be held from January 15, 2017 to February 2 in Israel.

More information in the mentioned  link: