“Youth Empowered” program started

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ASUE Lifelong Education and Career Division informs that Coca‑Cola Hellenic Armenia “Youth Empowered” 3-year program program has started. The program is aimed to support unemployed youth aged 18 to 30, focusing on vulnerable groups that need professional and life-skills development (especially in the regions); to accomplish university graduates’ and potential young entrepreneurs’ business skills; to direct young people to choose the right career path, applying their professional potential.

In 2018-2020, 8000 young people will be supported in the frames of “Youth Empowered”. In 2018, 500 young people living in Yerevan and 1600 living in regions will be included

 (https://www.facebook.com/events/1580256528721799/ ).

Besides the youth, the mentors (lecturers) will also participate in the program and can register with the following link https://goo.gl/PHakLN .