Information for students

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Graduates  of  full-time  BA  and  MA, part-time BA  programs (except graduates  of  full-time MA  and  part-time BA of  Accounting  specialty) of 2015-2016 academic  year, Armenian State  University of  Economics, can get  their graduate diploma  from  Educational-organizational Division from July 7th to July 19th ,at 10:00-17:00 (except 13:00-14:00).

Graduates  of  full-time MA  and  part-time BA of  Accounting  specialty  can get  diploma  from  Educational-organizational Division on July 20, at 10:00.

Awarding diplomas will  be  continued  since  August 22.

The  information is  submitted by  Armen Karakhanyan, Head of ASUE Educational-organizational Division.