International competition

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Airbus Fly Your Ideas is a biennial global competition, organised in partnership with UNESCO, which challenges students to innovate for the future of sustainable aviation. At Airbus, we’re constantly looking for new, better ways to fly and that’s what Fly Your Ideas is all about.

Airbus Fly Your Ideas is a worldwide competition challenging students from all disciplines to develop new ideas and innovate with Airbus for the future of aviation.

Genuine industry challenges, linked to the commercial aircraft industry identified by Airbus, provide real and concrete aviation problems for students to solve. Students are asked to test, prototype and visualise their ideas to create genuine solutions in Round 2. These solutions can either be innovations for ‘Now’ or innovations for the ‘Future’; inviting a cross section of ideas that are both applicable today and deliver blue sky thinking for tomorrow.

Students involved in the competition will have the opportunity to join online communities to exchange with Airbus experts and mentors, academics and students worldwide, mirroring the online digital environment of the education sector today.

To apply for Airbus Fly Your Ideas 2017, please go to the registration page to complete your profile and be eligible for Round 1.

To find out more information

Information is  submitted  by ASUE  Science Division.