Invitation from public diplomacy school

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“Public diplomacy school”  is an academic program,  which is  planned  for  specialists  in field of social sciences,  who are  eager  to develop their skills and qualifications  in “soft power” field.

Deadline: June 10, 2016, application form:,

E-mail: (mention “Public diplomacy school” in the  title  of  the  letter),

Participation fee: 30,000AMD,

Duration of  the program: 10 weeks (twice in a  week),

Working  languages: Armenian and English,

The  best participants  will  be  able  to participate ininternational projects, as well as  to conduct  training course in “Public diplomacy school”    or  partner organizations.

Certification: The  participants will  get nominal certificates, in which all  modules that  they have  participated in   will  be  mentioned.