Start of AAAA qualification program

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The Association of Accountants and Auditors of Armenia (AAAA), which is a member of International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) implements an qualification program, which have been adopted by a number of prestigious international professional organizations, particularly ACCA and ICAS.

After successfully passing exams of AAAA qualification program the participants are given qualifications of accountant and / or auditor.

For the qualification of an accountant you need to pass the first 6 exams, and for the auditor qualification all 7 exams. AAAA qualifications are recognized by ACCA as the dismissals of the respective examinations.

The program includes following subjects: "Basics of Financial Accounting", "Financial Information Management", "Basics of Law", "Tax legislation", "Financial management and control", "Financial Reporting", "Audit and internal control."

The classes are held in the evenings.

You are encouraged to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity for professional development.

The total fee of course is max 80000 AMD, which includes course textbook, manual and exam costs.

            The course fee can be transferred to the following account, indicating the participant's name and the course name.

"AAAA" Ltd.

N/N 1930000417830100

"Converse Bank" CJSC

Registration deadline April 8.

For more information call:

Tel: (010) 24-91-78, (010) 23 71 02 (n. 117), (077) 24-91- 78

E-mail:;; URL:, Address: Komitas 49/3, 6th Floor.

Information: Chair of Finance.