Professional retraining in the US

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Announcement provided by ASUE Foreign Relations Division is presented below:

The Department of US Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs sponsors American program of specialists in legislative sphere (Professional Fellows Program / PFP). In Armenia PFP program is implemented by American Councils for International Education.

The program provides an opportunity for young professionals from Armenia to get acquainted with the experience of the United States Government agencies and to adopt it.

PFP program is aimed at enabling the participants to familiarize themselves more deeply with the US legislative process, increasing the importance of the role of civil society and its involvement in the political process, the establishment of partnerships between institutions of Armenia and the United States.

The program is open to residents and citizens of Armenia aged 25 to 35, with a bachelor's degree or higher degree, with at least two years of experience and a desire to continue working in their country in the state or public sector. Candidates must be proficient in English, and at the initial stage will take TOEFL test.


pfp@americancouncils.aм, 010 56 00 45 010 54 40 12

Deadline: April 15, 2016.