"Job skills development": workshop

View count: 443

ASUE Career and Marketing Center informs that “Espas” youth educational-cultural center of “KASA” Swiss Humanitarian Foundation is implementing a workshop "Job skills development"

The course aims to develop professional skills and personal qualities necessary for effective implementation and initiation of work.

The workshop will examined the following thematic sections:

1. How to get a job?

2. How to adapt to the new workplace?

3. How to ensure career growth?

Duration: 36 hours during 1 month.

Course price: 10.000 AMD.

Details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1zrZ3SbOSbralFPN1dzVnROakU/view?pref=2&pli=1:

You can apply until February 15 inclusive, by the following reference, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XWqaCd2FAfR1EThsRIP9BUaU6G9vOjYe_lw-zbcqNTA/viewform or by calling 010 54 18 44 or 077 54 18 44 phone numbers.