Training course

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ASUE Lifelong and Further Education Center is organizing "Conducting the audit process" training courses in the following areas:

- the essence of the audit

- audit regulation

- the initial phase of the audit

- audit sampling, audit evidence, audit methods

- the final phase of the audit.

- current asset audit

- income and expenditure audit

- equity audits

- audit of liabilities.

Course duration - 2 months, 2 times a week, tuition fee is 48 000 AMD. At the end of the course participants will receive certificates. Courses will be conducted by the leading professors and specialists of the sphere.  

Courses are open for everyone. Contacts: ASUE Building No. 5, 1st Floor, Room 13, Phone: (010) 59 34 72 093 462 782.

ASUE Lifelong and Further Education Center.