Training courses

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ASUE Lifelong and Further Education Center is organizing a training course on "State registration and evaluation of property rights" in the frames of "Assessment and management of property" theme. The areas of the course are:

- Property, real estate; characteristics groups;

- Law and restrictions;

- State registration; transactions and procedures;

- Principles of state registration, purpose and characteristics;

- Legal proceedings, the basic documents of registration;

- Suspension, termination, prohibition of the right

- Occurrence, change, transfer or termination of rights;

Courses will be held by the leading professors and specialists of the sphere.

Course duration - 4 months, 2 times a week, tuition fee is 60 000 AMD. At the end of the course participants will receive certificates.

Courses are open for everyone. Contacts: ASUE Building No. 5, 1st Floor, Room 13, Phone: (010) 59 34 72 093 462 782.

ASUE Lifelong and Further Education  Center.