Invitations to scientific conference and scientific school

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National Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship invites you to participate in International Youth Conference entitled "Science and Innovation 2015", which will take place in Tsakhkadzor on September 25-27.

In order to participate in the competition, please, submit the scientific articles via following mail and the application forms via following link link by September 5.  

For more details, check out the following reference

"Innovation Management» first International Youth Scientific School

Association of Young Innovators and Scientists invites you to take part in the First International Youth Scientific School "Innovation Management", which will be held in Tsakhcadzor from September 27 to 30.

The school is organized to bring together talented young scientists, students and researchers of different countries, in order to promote the expertise and the level of innovative activities of youth, development of skills of young researchers for the formation of business ideas based on the research results, innovative engineering and technology transfer.

The program provides school lectures, workshops, and master classes for young participants from leading experts in the field of innovation management and project management.

School participants may be young scientists, students, graduate students, researchers aged between 20 to 35 years old.

There is no registration fee. Admission to all events of the Schools is free of any charge. Expenses related to accommodation and meals during the School days will be covered by the organizers.

The selection of applicants for participation in the School will take place on competitive basis.

In order to participate in the competition, please, submit the application form via following link  till 05 of September 2015. 

ASUE Career and Marketing Center provided the information.