Alumni registration process resumes

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ASUE resumes Alumni registration process in HEN-GEAR database. Graduate students of 2014/2015 academic year must enter the electronic platform by the link bellow, register and complete an electronic questionnaire (the process of completing the questionnaire is described in detail in the guide attached below). After filling out the questionnaire Alumni’s brief CV is created in the online platform, which will be visible for Armenian and foreign employers. Therefore, the questionnaire must be completed as detailed as possible, to increases the viability of graduate’s CV for employers. The database will increase the level of employment of alumni and will develop the relations with the labor market.

Quality Assurance Division informs that since 2014, 2065 ASUE graduates have registered in the database.  

The graduates must register in the database and complete the questionnaire even if they do not want their data available for employers. In that case, the alumni must make a relevant mark in the section of the questionnaire, which refers to the publicity of data. Registration details and the password (username and password) will allow the alumni to update or change the CV any time.

The Division of Educational-Methodological Matters and Cooperation with Labor Market, as well as the Division of Quality Assurance inform that the registration and filling the questionnaire are mandatory prerequisites for 2014 Bachelor and Master Graduates to obtain a diploma. After filling out the questionnaire the graduate will receive a certificate on the personal e-mail, which has to printed and presented to the Career and Marketing Center along with the mobile sheet.

For registering in database and filling out the electronic questionnaire, visit the following link,

This guidewill show you the way to registration.