ASUE “Amberd” Research Center announces grants competition

01.04.2022 Amberd
View count: 336

To improve research capabilities of the university and to benefit the country by means of the research potential, for the implementation and publication of applied research of public interest, for the inclusion of the academic staff, master’s students and post-graduates of the university in research activities as well as to increase the number of publications in foreign language scientific journals, “Amberd” Research Center announces grants competition in the following topics:

1Decentralization of authority as a direction to increase the efficiency of local self-government

2. Market research of drugs that are covered by the insurance package

3. Ways to increase the efficiency of financing for the functioning of higher educational institutions

4. Research on determination of service fees and differentiation of electricity tariffs

5. Research of vegetable oil market

6. Pension, labor and employment policy in the context of social state formation

7. Evaluation of efficiency of 2020-2021 state assistance programs in the sphere of agriculture

Application deadline is April 18, 2022, 17:30

For more information on the competition, please read the following document provided by “Amberd” Center.

You will find the application and assessment criteria in the attachments and you can find information about the regulations here.