ASUE announces a competition for vacant positions of the academic staff

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Armenian State University of Economics announces competitions for the following vacant positions:

1. Chair of Business Administration
· 1,0 full-time faculty, 2 positions of an associate professor.

2. Chair of Managerial Accounting and Audit
· 1,0 full-time faculty, 1 position of a senior lecturer.

3. Chair of Statistics
· 1,0 full-time faculty, 1 position of an associate professor and 1 position of a lecturer.

4. Chair of Economic Theory
• 1,0 full-time faculty, 2 positions of an associate professor and 1 position of a senior lecturer.

5. Chair of Financial Accounting 
• 1,0 full-time faculty, 2 positions of an associate professor.

6. Chair of Languages
· 1,0 full-time faculty, 2 positions of an assistant (English).

7. Chair of Social Sciences
· 1,0 full-time faculty, 1 position of an associate professor (specialty ‘History’) and 1 position of a senior lecturer (specialty ‘Philosophy’).

Candidates for the position of associate professors, senior lecturers, lecturers and assistants should submit the following to the Human Resource Division till the deadline:

1. An application in the name of the rector,
2. An employment list duly filled in with a photograph,
3. The scientific degree and copies of documents proving the scientific title,
4. A list of published scientific and methodological works,
5. A Curriculum Vitae, 6. A copy of an employment record list

Applications should be submitted from April 21 to May 20, 2022 inclusive.

Please submit all the necessary documents to Human Resource Division at Nalbandyan str. 128, Yerevan, Central building of ASUE, 4th floor, room 401.

The announcement was provided by ASUE Human Resource Division.