EPIC Fall 2019 Incubation Program are now Being Accepted

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The applications for EPIC Fall 2019 incubation program are now being accepted! This is your chance for you (and maybe your friends) to start a new business. EPIC Startup Incubator is a 12-week program, during which early stage startups can learn proven tools of how to validate startup ideas and get first paying customers. The program has been designed specifically for those who don't have any previous experience in starting or managing businesses. All you need is an idea, coachability, persistence, drive and willingness to get out of your comfort zone. The requirement of the program is to have at least one AUA student or alumni in your team.

For more information please visit: epic.aua.am

See application form.

The application deadline is September 11.

In case you have any questions, please contact us on epic@aua.am, or just drop in our office, room 520M (5th floor, Main Building of AUA, Marshal Baghramyan 40).

The information is submitted by ASUE Foreign Relations Department.