Competition for grant research projects announced by "Amberd" Center

02.05.2023 Amberd
View count: 152

ASUE "Amberd" Research Center aims to improve the research capabilities of the university and take advantage of its own research potential and serve it for the benefit of state interests, to implement and publish applied research of public interest, to attract university staff, students, master's students and post-graduate students, as well as to increase the publications in foreign languages, announces competition for grant research projects on the following topics:

  1. Economic losses of Armenians displaced from Azerbaijan and the Republic of Artsakh after the 44-day and from 1988 onwards
  2. Pricing features of the RA health services market
  3. Tobacco Production Industry Research
  4. The impact of youth labor migration and preventive measures in the process of demographic condition changes in communities.
  5. Development trends of startup ecosystem in the Republic of Armenia

Application and evaluation criteria are in the appendix attached, and regulation can be found here.