David Morris will lecture at ASUE within the frames of “Jean Monnet Network” project

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Lecturer David Morris from Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary) will lecture in auditorium 315 of ASUE main building on December 5, at 14:10 within the frames of Jean Monnet Network project of “The EU and the EEU: Between Conflict and Competition, Convergence and Cooperation” (EUCON) project carried out by ASUE Chair of International Economic Relations and EU financing.

David Morris is a distinguished international expert on global politics, international economic relations and civil risks. He is the Vice President of the United Nations Sustainable Business Network for Asia Pacific, which advises the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).

“Risks and opportunities of the developing new world order” is the topic of his lecture dedicated to China’s “One Belt and One Road” Initiative.