Free access to electronic database from EBSCO

View count: 145

EBSCO Company provides us free access to 11 electronic databases of its scientific and educational EBSCO Premier Package from October 15 to December 15. Database information is beneath:

  • Academic Search™ Premier, Business Source® Premier
  • MasterFile™ Premier
  • Newspaper Source™
  • Regional Business News
  • Health Source®: Academic Edition
  • Health Source®: Consumer Edition
  • ERIC® (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts™ (LISTA)
  • GreenFILE™.

Both inter-disciplinary (Academic Search™ Premier, MasterFile™ Premier) and topic-related resources (Business Source® Premier, MEDLINE®, Education Resources Information Center) are presented in the databases.

The access to the above-mentioned resources is provided in the local network for unlimited users (from ASUE computers, via IP addresses).

For additional information please see the following.

Database access is here.

For other questions please see ASUE library Facebook page.