ASUE announces a republican competition of essays on the topic of economics

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The Armenian State University of Economics, pursuing the goal of encouraging and developing the economic education, organizes a republican essay competition on economic topics for the graduating students of high schools.

  • Students in the 12th grade of high schools can participate in the competition.

To participate in the competition, please register on the ASUE official website before March 27 in the following link.

  • The competition will be held this year, on March 31 at ASUE (Yerevan, Nalbandyan 128).
  • Contestants must write a 2-3 page essay at ASUE, the title of which will be announced on the day of the contest as a result of a draw.
  • The main criteria of assessment are: relevance to the topic, creative thinking, motivation, logical reasoning, and language accuracy.
  • The best works will be selected by a committee consisting of 5 members of the academic staff of the university.

The authors of the best three works will receive a 100,000 AMD scholarship (in case of admission to ASUE), and incentive gifts will also be awarded.

Economics Essay Guide can be found attached.