Exclusive Opportunity to Participate in International Courses to Be Held in Berlin

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Within the framework of the cooperation between the Armenian State University of Economics and the German "Copernicus Berlin" Association, ASUE students will have an exclusive opportunity to participate in the following international courses entitled “Silence Hate” (December 2-9), It's About Choice” (December 2-9) to be in Berlin (Germany).

Students interested in the courses should fill in the application form until December 26, 2021, at 23:59.

Improperly completed applications such as those submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Places for participation in the course are limited. Participants will be selected on the basis of the applicant's CV and motivation letter.

The "Copernicus Berlin" Association will cover only the accommodation and food costs of the course participants. Travel expenses will be covered by the participant.

For more information write via int.office@asue.am e-mail or call +374593484.