Global Money Week at ASUE: a panel discussion

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On March 21-27, 2022 Global Money Week is celebrated all around the world, aiming at financial awareness-raising among teenagers and youth. This year is the 10th anniversary of Global Money Week. The slogan of Global Money Week 2022 is “Build Your Future, Be Smart about Money.

Armenian State University of Economics, Central Bank of Armenia and The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development will carry out a panel discussion on March 22, at 12:30, in Grand Hall of ASUE Faculty of Management.

Speakers of Global Money Week are:

  1. Ashot Mardoyan, head of the chair of Banking and Insurance of ASUE, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor and the topic is: “The main reasons of inflation in the Republic of Armenia and the role of US dollar exchange rate in this process”;
  2. Vanine Yeranosyan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at ASUE chair of Finance, the topic is: “Fintech and its regulations: the world and us”;
  3. Edgar Aghabekyan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at ASUE chair of Finance, the topic is: “Influence of Russian-Ukrainian War on Armenian Financial Markets: its risks and expectations”;
  4. Araks Manucharyan, expert of financial education at Central Bank of Armenia and the topic is: “Secrets of personal finance management: how to find efficient ways?

Participants will get certificates in the end of the meeting. For participation, please register at the following link.

Think of interesting questions to ask, the answers to which will assist you to better manage your money.